Why you might want to Buy or Sell a Personality NFT
There are several reasons why you might want to buy a Personality NFT. For example, you might love the number 7 and might want to own Personality NFT Mint #7, which is the seventh Personality to get minted on the Blockchain.
When you buy Mint #7, you can take the test and then update it to your Personality Traits! Now, your Personality is a part of history!
Earnings & Mint #
Personality NFTs can earn a Commission, a Commission that goes down as far as 7 levels!
The key here is that you are earning on your entire network's sales, so it has significant network effects. As a result, some Personality NFTs will earn a regular Commission and be worth a lot as they give their owner the right to those earnings.
Earning & Commission follow the Mint#. So, the owner of Mint #7 will get all of its future sale commissions from its entire network.
A Buyer might want to buy a Personality NFT for these earnings. A seller might want to sell, to cash out.
Whenever a Personality NFT is bought, sold, or transferred, the new owner will earn the Commission. However, the Personality Data is no longer valid.
Updating Personality Data
After a Personality NFT is bought/sold/transferred, the Personality Data is no longer valid. The new owner can update their NFT according to their traits.
The new buyer can update the Bought Personality NFT with their traits by taking the test. The seller can purchase a new Personality NFT with their traits.
When you Sell, you are selling the NFT and Keeping your Personality!
Last updated